Pengaruh Islamic Religiosity dan Norma Subyektif terhadap Niat Beli Trend Busana Muslim:An Extended of Theory of Reason Action

Keywords: Islamic religiosity, Theory of reason action, purchase intention, subjective norms.


The development of Muslim fashion business in Indonesia is growing rapidly. It has influencetoward increasing
intention to buy consumers on the trend of Muslim fashion. The purpose of this studyis to examineconsumers purchase
intention towardMuslim fashion trend using the extended of Theory of Reason Action (TRA) with the variable Islamic
religiosity. Respondents of the study are Muslim people includes men and women who follow the development of
Muslim fashion trend. Data analysis tools used in this research is by using path analysis. The results showed that the
subjective norms and Islamic religiosityvariables have a positive effect on consumer attitudes on the fashion trend of
Muslims. Subjective norms and consumer attitudes toward the trend of Muslim fashion have a positive effect on
consumer buying intention on the trend of Muslim fashion. The different results are shown in hypothesis testing number
four which states that Islamic religiosity variable has no significant on consumer buying intention on Muslim fashion
trend, but it can influence indirectly through consumer attitudes on Muslim fashion trend.


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